Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hercules And Love Affair - Blind

As a child, I knew
That the stars could only get brighter
And we would get closer
Get closer

As a child, I knew
That the stars could only get brighter
That we would get closer
Get closer
Leaving this darkness


Now that I’m older
The stars should lie upon my face

When I find myself alone
Find myself alone

Now that I’m older
The stars should lie upon my face
And when I find myself alone
I feel like I
I am blind

Feel it
Feel it
Feel it
Feel it
Like I am blind
I am blind

I wish the stars could shine now
For they are closer
They are near
But they will not present my present
They will not present my present

I wish the light could shine now
For it is closer
It is near
But it will not present my present
It makes my past and future painfully clear

To hear you now
To see you now
I can look outside myself
And I must examine my breath and look inside

To see you now
To hear you now
I can look outside myself
And I must examine my breath and look inside
Because I feel blind
Because I feel blind

I feel it
I feel it
I feel it
Like I
Like I’m blind
The movie will
Mmmm, and feel it
Oooooh, I feel it

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Monday, August 18, 2008

R-word index

"The Economist's informal R-word index is also sounding alarms. Our gauge counts how many stories in the Washington Post and the New York Times use the word “recession” in a quarter. This simple formula pinpointed the start of recession in 1981 and 1990 and 2001."


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Nice lamps



The Fifty Worst (and Best) Books of the Century

Here. Enjoy!


On innovation

T.S. Eliot, Selected Essays, 1917-1932 (1932, 1950). Here, one of the century’s foremost literary innovators insists that innovation is only possible through an intense engagement of tradition

Somos grandes copiadores, sin imitación no habría cultura. Hacemos como los viejos pintores: iban al taller, la bottega del artista, aprendían y luego desarrollaban su estilo. ¡Veamos los primeros cuadros de Picasso! Una vez interiorizado, mejoramos, inventamos. Ahí llega la originalidad. Giacomo Rizzolatti interviewed on his research by Publico.
